HC Deb 12 March 1906 vol 153 cc864-5

To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will state the number of mechanics, of all classes, and labourers who have been discharged from the Portsmouth Dockyard during the present financial year, also the number of skilled labourers who have been reduced in status and wages, together with the number of officials who have been affected during the same period.

(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) The number of mechanics, of all classes, and labourers who have been dis-

Causes of discharge. Mechanics. Labourers. Total
Skilled. Ordinary.
On reduction 522 611 399 1,562
By request 54 17 29 100
Age and infirmity 99 86 28 213
Losing time 14 10 8 32
Misconduct 10 2 8 20
Death and other causes 38 10 7 55
Total 767 736 479 1,982

The number of skilled labourers who have been reduced in status and wages is 338; of these 195 were reinstated as skilled labour became available. The number of officials reduced who have been affected during the same period is 48, viz.:—38 chargemen, 5 recorders, 3 inspectors, and 2 foremen.