HC Deb 06 March 1906 vol 153 cc320-1

reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had nominated the following Members to serve on the Standing Committee for the consideration of all Bills relating to Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures, which may, by Order of the House, be committed to such Standing Committee:—Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. J. A. Bright, Mr. Cawley, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Channing, Mr. Cheetham, Mr. Jesse Collings, Mr. Court-hope, Mr. Cremer, Mr. Crombie, Mr. Alexander Cross, Mr. Cullinan, Mr. David Davies, Mr. Vaughan-Davies, Mr. Timothy Davies, Sir Frederick Dixon-Hartland, Mr. Doogan, Mr. Duckworth, Mr. C. Duncan, Mr. Frank Edwards, Mr. Everett, Mr. Ferens, Sir Henry Fowler, Mr. Gill, Sir W. Evans-Gordon, Colonel Harrison-Broadley, Mr. Hayden, Mr. Higham, Sir William Holland, Mr. Idris, Mr. John Johnson, Mr. Kearley, Mr. Lloyd-George, Colonel Long, Mr. McKillop, Mr. Mansfield, Mr. Meehan, Mr. T. P. O'Connor, Mr. O'Mara, Mr. Parkes, Mr. Pike Pease, Mr. Thomas Richards, Mr. Runciman, Mr. T. W. Russell, Mr. Herbert Samuel, Mr. Shackle-ton, Mr. Soames, Sir Edward Strachey, Mr. James Stuart, Mr. John Talbot, Mr. Austin Taylor, Mr. Theodore Taylor, Mr. H. J. Tennant, Mr. D. A. Thomas, Mr. Verney, Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Walrond, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Cathcart Wason, Mr. George White, Mr. Osmond Williams, Colonel Williams, Lord Willoughby de Eresby, Mr. John Wilson, Mr. Wolff, and Mr. Samuel Young.


further reported from the Committee; That they had nominated the following Members to serve on the Standing Committee for the consideration of all Bills relating to Law, and Courts of Justice, and Legal Procedure which may, by Order of the House, be committed to such Standing Committee:—The Lord Advocate, Mr. Arkwright, Mr. Atherley-Jones, Mr. Harmood-Banner, Mr. Barran, Mr. Billson, Mr. Boland, Mr. Brace, Mr. John Burns, Sir Edward Carson, Mr. Cave, Sir Edward Clark, Mr. Cobbold, Mr. Curtis Craig, Mr. Dickinson, Sir Charles Dilke, Mr. Akers-Douglas, Mr. Clement Edwards, Mr. Enoch Edwards, Mr. Samuel Evans, Mr. George Faber (York), Sir George Fardell, Mr. Flynn, Mr. Secretary Gladstone, Mr. Ellis (Griffith, Mr. Harwood, Sir James Haslam, Mr. T. M. Healy, Mr. Arthur Henderson, Mr. J. M. Henderson, Colonel Ivor Herbert, Mr. Charles Hobhouse, Mr. Hodge, Sir J. Jardine, Sir Joseph Leese, Colonel Legge, Mr. R. C. Lehmann, Sir Francis Lowe, Mr. J. R. Macdonald, Dr. Macnamara, Mr. Swift MacNeill, Mr. Maddison, Mr. Massie, Mr. Middlemore, Mr. Lloyd-Morgan, Mr. Nannetti, Mr. Nussey, Mr. Pickersgill, Sir Francis Powell, Mr. Rainy, Mr. Rawlinson, Mr. Reckitt, Mr. Remnant, Mr. Compton Rickett, Mr. Bryn Roberts, Mr. S. Roberts, Mr. Soares, Mr. Solicitor-General, Mr. Solicitor-General for Scotland, Sir Benjamin Stone, Mr. J. W. Taylor, Mr. Thornton, Sir Howard Vincent, Mr. Waldron, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Joseph Walton, Mr. Whitehead, and Mr. W. L. Williams.

Reports to lie upon the Table.