HC Deb 06 March 1906 vol 153 cc282-3

To ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether he is aware that in Canada during session the Members of Parliament are allowed to send all correspondence and Blue-books free of postage charges; and whether, under a special Act, Members of Parliament obtain a free pass over all railways in the Dominion, which includes free railway travelling upon railways that are now owned by the State; and whether he can give particulars in regard to free postage and railway travelling accorded to members of the legislature in other British Colonies.

(Answered by Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman.)It is the fact that in Canada, during the session, Members of the Dominion Parliament are allowed to send letters and other mailable matter free of Canadian postage charges, and, under a special Act, have a free pass over all railways in Canada. A special inquiry would have to be made to obtain the particulars asked for with regard to other British Colonies.