HC Deb 02 July 1906 vol 159 c1391
MR. R. L. HARMSWORTH (Caithness-shire)

To ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, if he will state the names of witnesses from Caithness who gave evidence before the departmental committee of the Board of Agriculture when in Scotland recently to inquire into the subject of small holdings; if he will state the qualifications of the witnesses to give evidence on the subject of small holdings; whether the witnesses' expenses were paid out of public moneys; and whether any fees were received by the witnesses.

(Answered by Sir Edward Strachey.) I have communicated with Lord Onslow, the chairman of the committee, and he desires me to say that the names of the witnesses referred to are Mr. John Miller, of Brabsterdorran, and Mr. James Nicolson, of Watten. Mr. Miller is a parish councillor, who rents a small holding and has made a lifelong study of the land question, and Mr. Nicolson is a factor who has the management of several estates on which a number of small holdings exist. No fees are paid to witnesses, but they receive their travelling expenses and subsistence allowance on the usual Treasury scale, the cost being defrayed from the Vote for Temporary Commissions.