HC Deb 21 February 1906 vol 152 cc334-5

To ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that in a notice of the vacancy in the position of sergeant for the instruction of the boys of the Royal Hibernian Military School, in which applications for the pose wt re invited and which was issued by Lord Grenfell, it was stated that the applicant must, amongst other qualifications for the position, be a member of the Church of England; under what, if any, authority was Lord Grenfell enabled to limit the candidates for this appointment in Ireland to members of the English Established Church, to the exclusion of members of other religious denominations in Ireland, including not only the Catholic but the Irish Protestant members; whether Lord Grenfell has been asked for any explanation of this notice issued with his sanction and under his name, and, if so, what has been his explanation; whether a sergeant a member of the English Church was actually appointed; and whether the limitation of Army appointments to members of one communion only has received his sanction.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The selection for the appointment in question rests entirely with the Governors of the Royal Hibernian Military School. I am accordingly in possession of no information in regard to the case mentioned, but I will make further inquiry and an Answer shall be sent to the hon. Member.