HC Deb 12 December 1906 vol 167 cc363-5
MR. LIDDELL (Down, W.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the police have succeeded in discovering the person or persons who maliciously stabbed a mare on the lands of Bawnmore, in the parish of Athenry, on the night of the 22nd August.

The hon. Member had the following Questions also on the Paper:—

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the police succeeded in discovering the person or persons who maliciously injured by houghing a horse on the lands of Craughwell, parish of Killora, on the 15th July; and whether any prosecution followed in respect thereto.

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Killarney Urban Council have received compensation claims from Mr. Jeremiah Hayes for £250, for two ricks of oats destroyed by fire, at Killcoolaght, on 3rd October, and from Mr. Michael Leahy for £100, for a hay shed and twenty tons of hay destroyed by fire at Coolegrean, on 3rd October; and whether the police have discovered the incendiaries.


I am informed by the police authorities that the mare referred to in the first Question was not stabbed, but a cut skin deep and other slight injuries were inflicted. In the second case, the horse was not houghed, but cuts were inflicted on the legs. This horse was worth about £1 before the injury, from which it has recovered. The owner lodged a claim for £17 compensation, but afterwards withdrew it. In the third case, it is a fact that the burnings mentioned took place, and that claims for compensation have been lodged. The police inform me that Messrs. Hayes and Leahy are popular men, and that the burnings, if wilful, were not connected with any agitation. The question whether the fires were the work of incendiaries has yet to be decided by the Court. In none of the cases have the police found evidence which would justify proceedings.

MR. MURPHY (Kerry, E.)

Is it not generally believed in the Killarney district that this fire was the work of a tramp? How is it with all the police there they have done nothing to bring the offender to justice? Is it not the fact, too, that at the last six quarter sessions the County Court judge has spoken in praise of the condition of this district?


If the hon. Member wants a reply to the last Question I must ask for notice. Nobody has been prosecuted because no evidence has been obtained.


Well, the chairman of the Killarney Urban Council and myself with the people of the town attended and helped to put out this fire, while only five policemen put in an appearance.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman meant to imply that the fact that this horse was of low value entitled anyone to torture it because he happened to differ with the owner on political matters?


I do not mean to imply anything of the sort.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman did not state as an excuse for this act that the horse was worth a small amount of money.


No. Whatever the value of the horse, any injury inflicted upon a dumb animal is a cruel thing.

MR. FLAVIN (Kerry, N.)

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that 90 per cent. of the applications for compensation in county Kerry have been refused by the County Court Judge, who is an honourable man, nevertheless a Tory?


I know the Judge referred to. I should be sorry to think that in the opinion of the hon. Member any dishonour should be associated with the holding of any particular political view.