HC Deb 02 August 1906 vol 162 c1365
MR. WALROND (Devonshire, Tiverton)

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether he has any information to the effect that a Customs duty of 7d. is being charged on each catalogue and price list entering Cape Colony; and, if so, why such information has not been given to the public, thereby saving inconvenience to the numerous firms doing business with Cape Colony.


Information has recently been received that a duty of the kind has been decided on; but in reply to inquiries for full particulars it is stated by the Post Office of the Cape Colony that in view of difficulties which have arisen the whole question of the taxation of printed papers sent to the Colony by post is being reconsidered by a Colonial Customs Conference. The result of this Conference is to be communicated to me by telegraph at the earliest opportunity, and in the meantime I am without the information necessary for the issue of a notice on the subject to the public.