§ MR. GINNELLI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether any special provision is made in the Civil Service Estimates for costs to be incurred in the recovery of annuities from purchasers within the zones under the Land Act of 1903; if so, in what Vote is it included; and is it 262 proposed to pay any of such money to the persons, or to the nominees of the persons, who invented or advised the adoption of the system of purchase without inspection for value.
MR. BRYCEProvision is made in sub-head F of the Land Commission Vote for the cost of legal proceedings, including proceedings for the collection of land purchase instalments. In the estimates for the current year a sum of £1,600 is provided under that sub-head as compared with £1,800 last year. I do not know to whom it is suggested in the last part of this Question that payments should be made.