§ SIR JOHN TUKE (Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities)To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the decision of the Master of the Rolls in the High Court of Justice in Ireland (Chancery Division) in the case of the Attorney-General v. Appleton and others; and whether the Board of Trade proposes to take any action in reference to that decision with a view to preventing in Great Britain such abuses of the Companies Acts as were disclosed in the course of the proceedings.
(Answered by Mr. Gerald Balfour.) My attention has been called to the decision in the case of the Attorney-General v. Appleton. The Board of Trade are at the present moment taking the advice of the Law Officers of the Crown with regard to the instructions to be given by the Board of Trade to the Registrars of Joint Stock Companies in England, Scotland, and Ireland as to the registration of dentist companies.