§ MR. P. A. McHUGH (Leitrim, N.)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether, in view of his refusal to appoint a Select Committee to enquire into the present condition of the Irish National Teachers' Pension Fund and of the discontent of the teachers in connection with this matter, he will allow an actuary 1222 nominated by the teachers to be present at, and take part in, the quinquennial investigation to be held this year; and can he say when the investigation will be held.
§ THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY (Mr. VICTOR CAVENDISH, Derbyshire, W.)I do not think that any useful purpose would be served by employing more than one actuary, but care will be taken to select an actuary of independent position and high attainments.
§ MR. P. A. McHUGHBut will the Government allow an actuary to be nominated by the teachers?
§ MR. VICTOR CAVENDISHI do not think it necessary.
§ MR. P. A. McHUGHWill you consider the point?
§ MR. VICTOR CAVENDISHI do not think it would lead to any satisfactory result.
§ MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)Is not the present condition of the fund entirely due to Treasure neglect?
§ [No Answer was returned.]