§ SIR CARNE RASCH (Essex, Chelmsford)To ask the Secretary of State for War if he has noted the statement of the Director of Recruiting that only nine posts have been filled during the year in Government offices, exclusive of the War Office, by soldiers, while the number of ex-soldiers employed in departments under Government shows considerable diminution; and what he proposes to do in the matter.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Arnold-Forster.) As regards the smallness of the number of vacancies as messenger in Government offices, other than the War Office, which have been filled by pensioners, the matter is at present receiving very careful consideration. As regards the diminution of the number of ex-soldiers employed in departments under the War Office, to which the Question apparently refers, I must point out that, owing to the decrease of work in these departments since the cessation of the recent war, there has been a corresponding decrease in available employment.