§ DR. MACNAMARAI beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury what steps he proposes to take to investigate the circumstances attending the condemnation and destruction of £295,823 worth of emergency and other rations supplied for the use of the troops in South Africa, as described in the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General [Command 45] issued on March 10th, 1905.
§ THE PRIME MINISTER AND FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR,) Manchester, E.The Royal Commission will have power to deal with this question if at any stage of their proceedings they think it would throw light on the particular subject they have been asked to investigate.
§ SIR A. HAYTER (Walsall)asked whether the case mentioned by the hon. Member for North Camberwell would come within the purview of the Royal Commission, since it was a case of a con tractor supplying rations condemned after the war. If so, it might be unfair to the contractor to be called upon to appear before the Public Accounts Committee if he was afterwards to appear before the Royal Commission.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURIt would be very improper for me to dictate to the Commission what will or will not be relevant to the inquiry with which they have been charged; but speaking merely from my own impressions I should conjecture that this subject would probably not come under their survey, and it would be quite proper for the Public Accounts Committee to examine into it. But that is merely a personal view taken with imperfect knowledge.
MR. GIBSON BOWLES (Lynn Regis)Is it to be understood that the terms of reference will cover not only the sale of stores but their destruction?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURI cannot add to what I have said. The reference is, and was intended to be, a wide one, and 371 I think it is universally recognised as such, but exactly how the Commissioners will interpret it is not for me to judge, for it has passed out of my hands. I did my best to frame the reference on broad lines, but it would not be right to offer an authoritative interpretation of it now the Commissioners are at their work.
§ DR. MACNAMARAasked whether, if the Commission held that the subject was not within their reference, the Government would engage that there should be an inquiry into the circumstances of the destruction of the stores.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURYes, Sir; the machinery is already provided in the Public Accounts Committee.