HC Deb 26 July 1905 vol 150 c342

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a new Army drill is being practised at the Royal Irish Constabulary depôt; and, if so, whether such drill has been issued to the force at large; and, if not, by what authority and in what counties is the same being practised; and whether the only book as present published on the subject of such new drill is one compiled by a constable of the force (so far unauthorised by the Inspector-General) which constables have to buy at their own expense; and whether a newer drill has been or is about to be introduced into the Army; and, if so, will he consider the desirability of withdrawing the drill in question and substituting the newer Army drill.

(Answered by Mr. Walter Long.) A new drill became necessary in consequence of the issue to the force of Lee-Metford in substitution for Martini-Henry carbines. This drill has been practised at the constabulary depot, and, tentatively, in two counties, but it has not yet been issued to the force at large. The issue of the new arms has only now been completed, and a new drill-book, which will follow the latest Army drill with suitable modifications, is about to be prepared and issued to the force. There is no obligation on members of the force to purchase the unauthorised drill-book referred to.