HC Deb 19 July 1905 vol 149 cc1180-1
MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been directed to the proceedings of the Holborn Borough Council on the 12th inst., when the council declined to carry into effect the recommendation of its own special investigation committee that Mr. Lewis H. Isaacs be proceeded against under the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act of 1835; and, if so, what steps the Local Government Board intend to take in respect to this condonation of this official's conduct.


I understand that the borough council have recorded their strong condemnation of Mr. Isaacs' conduct, but have not adopted the recommendation of the committee that proceedings should be taken against him. It was competent for the Council to determine whether they would take such proceedings or not, and the Local Government Board have no control over thorn in the matter.


May I ask if this man, by making restitution of a sum of money and by submitting to a large reduction of pension did not admit the fraud, and have not the Local Government Board condoned that fraud by assenting to the action of the local council?


It is a question for the local board and not for the Local Government Board.


Cannot action be taken by the Public Prosecutor, as would have been done had it occurred in Ireland?


I do not think it ought to be taken on this occasion.