HC Deb 13 July 1905 vol 149 c545
MR. WEIR (ROSS and Cromarty)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if he will state whether the theatre situated within the barrack walls at Deal was built at the public expense; and, if so, at what cost, and under what Vote its maintenance is provided for; will he say under what regulations the colonel commanding sanctions the performance of plays to which the public are admitted; and whether any income is derived from the public notices which appear on the barrack walls announcing theatrical performances.


): The building in question was built at the public expense at a cost of £3,622. Its maintenance is provided for under Navy Vote 10, Subhead L, and the average expenditure is about £20 per annum The so-called "theatre" is under she control of the officer in command of the barracks at Deal, and its general management, including admission, is arranged by a committee of officers, the object of such management being the amusement of the men in barracks together with their relations and friends. The reply to the last portion of the hon. Member's Question is that orders were issued some years ago that no public notices as to the performances at the theatre were to be posted on the barrack walls, and so far as is known no income ever was, or is, derived from this source.


I have seen these notices on the barrack walls. Will the right hon. Gentleman see that the orders are in future complied with?


I will inquire into the matter.