§ MR. BLACK (Banffshire)To ask the Lord-Advocate if he can state the number of paupers over sixty-five years of age in the poorhouses in Scotland in 535 1881, 1891, 1901, and 1904 respectively and what proportions these numbers bear to the total individual poor over that age receiving relief as at these respective dates; and also the number of persons in these years who, being over sixty-five years of age, applied for but were refused relief unless they accepted admission to the poorhouse but who declined relief in that form.
(Answered by Mr. Scott Dickson.) I have no information as to the ages of paupers in workhouses in 1881 and 1891, In 1901 it is shown on page 255 of the Census Returns that the total number of poorhouse inmates over sixty-five was 4,502. No later information on this point is available, but steps will be taken to ascertain the facts for the current year, which will then be given in the next Annual Report of the Local Government Board. On the general question as to the ages of poor persons in workhouses, I may refer the hon. Member to the Report on the Methods of Administering Poor Relief in certain large Town Parishes, recently laid upon the Table [Cd. 2524]. No information is available in regard to the latter part of the Question.