HC Deb 11 July 1905 vol 149 cc263-4

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can state for how many hours on Saturday and Sunday the disturbance at Hazel Grove, Cheshire, continued; how many of the rioters can be identified by the police; how many were apprehended, in addition to the three persons arrested at the inception of the disturbance; and how many further prosecutions are to be instituted.


I am informed by the Chief Constable that on Saturday night the disorderly proceedings began about 11 o'clock, and lasted till about 3 a.m. On Sunday the crowd began to assemble about 9.30 p.m., and dispersed soon after midnight. The police have not identified any of the persons who took part in the disorderly proceedings, and the only arrests were those of the three persons mentioned in the Question. No further prosecutions ate contemplated.


Does the right hon. Gentleman, mean to say that after two days rioting the police are not able to identify a single rioter?

† See (4) Debates, cxlvii., 39.

I am afraid that is so.

MR.DISRAELI (Cheshire, Altrincham)

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that three men were prosecuted, that the magistrate dismissed the case against two and that no evidence was offered against the other? Has an inquiry been instituted by the Standing Joint Committee of Cheshire as to the cause of the riots?


I must ask for notice of that.

MR. FLAVIN (Kerry, N.)

Has the hon. Member who represents this constituency publicly denounced the conduct of these rioters?

[No Answer was returned.]