HC Deb 10 July 1905 vol 149 c84
MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the recent proceedings at the meeting of the Holborn Borough Council, and to the fact that a special investigation committee recommended that Mr. Lewis H. Isaacs be proceeded against under the provisions of The Statutory Declarations Act, 1835; and whether, in view of the refusal of the borough council to take proceedings recommended by its special committee, the Local Government Board will take steps in furtherance of the public interest and to vindicate justice.


I am aware of the proceedings referred to. I uaderstand that in consequence of the action taken by the auditor at the audit Mr. Isaacs has refunded a sum of over £600, and admitted that his future compensation should be reduced by £159 18s. 5d. per annum. I am informed that the debate with respect to the steps to be taken by the borough council in relation to Mr. Isaacs' conduct stands adjourned until the next meeting of the council.


Is it not the fact that the special investigation committee took counsel's opinion before they made the recommendation? Can the right hon. Gentleman say what that opinion was?


I am not in a position to answer that Question.