HC Deb 23 February 1905 vol 141 c1078

To ask the Secretary of State for India if he will state the precise character of the irrigation scheme which is said to have been recently sanctioned, and when the work is expected to be commenced.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick.) The scheme presumably referred to by the hon. Member is the combined Upper Jhelum, Upper Chenab, and Lower Bari Doab Canal projects in the Punjab. The Upper Jhelum Canal, drawing its supply from the Jhelum, will irrigate the Upper Jech Doab, and will pass its surplus water into the Chenab River above the head of the existing Lower Chenab Canal. This will render an equal amount of water available for withdrawal from that river by the new Upper Chenab Canal, which will take off opposite Sialkote and irrigate the Upper Rechna Doab, then passing under the Ravi by a syphon fifteen miles south of Lahore, it will supply the water for the Lower Bari Doab Canal. The combined canals will have 225 miles of main canals. 293 miles of branch canals, and 2,714 miles of distributaries. They will command an area of 3,997,434 acres, of which 1,875,855 may be annually irrigated. The total estimated cost is Rs.7,82,38,925, on which the direct and indirect receipts are expected to give eventually a return of over 9 per cent. Sanction has been given to the immediate commencement of the work.