HC Deb 19 April 1905 vol 145 c580
MR. CLAUDE HAY (Shoreditch, Hoxton)

To ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that a telegraphist named Booth, employed at the Central Telegraph Office, was discharged from the service on Friday, April 14th, inconsequence of having contracted telegraph cramp in the wrist; that he had previously asked unsuccessfully that he should be transferred to the sorting department, being willing to forego seniority; and that, after the appearance of a Question upon the Notice Paper in connection with the proceedings of this House asking for information upon the subject, the telegraphist was sent for and told to resume duty on Monday, 17th; and whether he will state whether it is his intention to retain Booth in the service, and utilise his services in the sorting office.

(Answered by Lord Stanley.) Instructions for Booth's retention in the service, pending the further consideration of his application for transfer, were given on the 10th instant, that is, some days before a Question on the subject appeared on the Notice Paper. The insinuation of the hon. Member is therefore quite unfounded. As I informed the hon. Member on the 17th instant†, the case is now under consideration, and I hope soon to be able to give a decision.