§ Motion made, and Question proposed, "That a Select Committee be appointed 188 to consider the Agreement of the 2nd day of February, 1905, between the Postmaster-General and the National Telephone Company, and to report whether it is desirable in the public interest that the Agreement should become binding; That Mr. Beckett, Mr. Benn Sir Horatio Davies, Mr. Helme Sir William Holland, Mr. Morrison, Mr. Joseph Nolan, Sir Charles Renshaw, Colonel Royds, and Mr. Stuart-Wortley be members of the Committee; That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records; That Three be the quorum"—(The Postmaster-General.)
§ MR. KEIR HARDIE (Merthyr Tydvil)objected to the Motion being passed now on the ground that the Agreement did not protect the interests of the employees, no provision having been made for their transference. No Labour representative was on the Committee to look after the interest of the employees.
§ THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Lord STANLEY,) Lancashire, Westhoughtonexpressed the hope that the first part of the Motion would be agreed to. The constitution of the Committee could be considered afterwards.
§ MR. KEIR HARDIEagreed to the suggestion.
§ MR. JOYCE (Limerick)objected to the whole of the Motion.
§ The Motion was therefore allowed to stand over.
§ Adjourned at eight minutes after Twelve o'clock.