HC Deb 10 April 1905 vol 144 cc1004-5
MR. MOON (St. Pancras, N.)

To ask the Secretary to the Board of Education whether he will state how many non-provided elementary schools, at the passing of the Education Act, 1902, or within three months thereafter, possessed trust deeds containing provision as to the appointment of managers consistent with the provisions of the Act, and how many of such schools did not possess such trust deeds, and how many did not possess any trust deed at all; and, in the latter cases, whether he can lay upon the Table of the House the various forms of draft Orders, interim or final, issued by the Board to such last-mentioned categories of schools, stating the number of cases in which each form was respectively adopted; and whether with or without modifications.

(Answered by Sir William Anson.) The Board are now preparing statistics which will enable them to give the information desired, but the work will probably require about two months for completion, and it would be almost impossible to give the information sooner.