HC Deb 31 May 1904 vol 135 c432

To ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can state the value of goods supplied to the Malta Government by the Crown Agents in England for each of the last five years, and what was the amount of commission charged in each year of that period; and can he state the amount expended by the Government of Malta on public works, during the same period, when the Crown Agents have not been employed.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Lyttelton.) The value of goods supplied to the Government of Malta, and the commission, charged by the Crown Agents in each of the last five years, is as follows:—

Stores supplied by Crown Agents. Commission.
£ £ s. d.
1899 12,685 126 16 1
1900 17,341 173 7 10
1901 21,122 211 2 10
1902 17,098 170 19 4
1903 11,747 117 8 10
I regret that I am unable to understand the last half of the hon. Member's Question as the Crown Agents are not employed by the Government of Malta in the execution of any public works.