HC Deb 12 May 1904 vol 134 cc1173-5
MR. JOHN REDMOMD (Waterford)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has yet come to a decision as to the items to be included in the Supplementary Estimate for the Irish Development Grant Fund which he promised; and when he proposes to place that Estimate upon the Table.


I propose to retain the items in the Estimate at present before the House. In respect, however, of the provision proposed for the improvement of the Tralee and Dingle Railway, the application of this money is dependent upon a satisfactory settlement being arrived at with the Great Southern and Western Railway Company on the merits of the scheme. With respect to new items, I would point out that sums not expended in any year pass out of the Guarantee Fund. It would be a mistake, under the circumstances, to authorise expenditure on insufficiently considered projects. This reservation, however, does not apply to the cost of reducing the existing average required for an assistant school teacher from sixty to fifty; but it does, in my judgment, apply to other items of expenditure on education—for example, the provision of free homes for provincial training colleges, which can only be considered as part of the general question of educational reform. There is another item which might be charged to the Development Grant, namely, a dredger. I am unable to name a day for the introduction of the revised Estimate.


As this is a matter of enormous importance to Ireland, I trust the House will kindly allow me to put a supplementary Question. The right hon. Gentleman has said that sums not spent in the current year will pass out of the Guarantee Fund. Does the right hon. Gentleman mean that they are no longer liable to charges by the Treasury in respect of the Land Act of 1903? and, further, with reference to the training colleges, was he to be understood as expressing the opinion that in the educational settlement which he seems to foreshadow it will be a fair thing that the training colleges should receive money towards their building fund?


My reply to the first Question is in the affirmative. For example, if £100,000 is not expended during this year, but goes over, it will pass out of the Guarantee Fund, and no charge in connection with land purchase will affect that £100,000. As to the second Question, without pledging myself in the matter, I frankly admit that the question of giving further assistance to the training colleges is one that will have to be considered in any attempt to deal with education.


With regard to the item of £20,000 in the present Estimate for the Dingle and Tralee Railway, do the Government intend to maintain that, subject to an arrangement with the Great South and Western Railway or; the merits of the scheme? Does that mean that the right hon. Gentleman differentiates this scheme from the Rosslare and Fishguard Railway?


replied in the affirmative.


Do the Government intend to enter into no negotiations touching the Rosslare and Fishguard scheme?


I do not.

MR. KILBRIDE (Kildare, S.)

about the dredger?


It will be available for all parts of Ireland.