HC Deb 24 March 1904 vol 132 c617
MR. WEIR () Ross and Cromarty

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, having regard to the fact that a clause was introduced into the treaty negotiated with the Chinese Government in 1902, under which that Government undertook to remove within the space of two years the artificial obstructions to navigation in the Canton River, will he state whether any steps have yet been taken by the Chinese with a view to the removal of these obstructions.


His Majesty's Consul-General at Canton reported on 5th October last, that the Viceroy had instructed the Hoppo to immediately request the Commissioner of Customs to take the necessary steps for carrying out the provisions of the treaty; and a preliminary survey of the harbour has been made by a Chinese revenue cutter with a view to the removal of obstructions. His Majesty's Government have received no further report.


Will the noble Lord make further inquiries? It is not in the harbour of Canton that the obstruction exists, but it is half-way between Canton and Hong-Kong, where there is a most serious obstruction.


My answer deals with the obstructions which the Chinese Government is pledged to remove.