§ MR. FFRENCHI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a great deal of time is taken up in the Land Judge's Court with questions relating to boundaries, rights of way, turbary rights, and small charges on an estate; and whether the Government would consider the advisability of appointing another of the Irish Judges to deal with these minor matters in order to allow Mr. Justice Ross to give more time to the 40th Section of the Land Act of 1896, and the 7th Section 586 of the Land-Act of 1903, so as to remove the congestion in his Court.
§ MR. WYNDHAMA marked diminution has been effected in the amount of business in the Land Judge's Court. The amount of the gross rental returnable to the Court in recent years has been reduced by one-half, a result mainly attributable to the extensive sales effected under the Land Purchase Acts. The reply to the latter part of the Question is therefore in the negative.
§ MR. FFRENCHIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that five days a week and a portion of the sixth are taken up in this Court by disputes on these minor matters. Seeing that so many Irish Judges have been presented with white gloves recently, will the right hon. Gentleman appoint one of them to do this work?
§ MR. WYNDHAMI do not think that the course suggested would really expedite matters.