§ SIR JOHN COLOMB (Great Yarmouth)To ask the Secretary of State for War whether he can state the total enrolled strength of the Militia and Volunteer Forces, respectively, belonging to the United Kingdom on the 1st October, 1899; and what percentage of the enrolled strength of Militia and Volunteers, respectively, volunteered for service beyond the sea between that date and the 31st December following.
§ SIR JOHN COLOMBTo ask the Secretary of State for War whether he can state what number of Militia and Volunteer battalions, respectively, volunteered for service beyond the United 134 Kingdom between the outbreak and the close of the South African War.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Arnold-Forster.) The enrolled strength of the Militia on the 1st October, 1899, was 98,050; that of the Volunteers on the 1st November, 1899 (figures for the 1st October not being available), was 222,584. There are no records at the War Office which show the numbers of Militia or Volunteers who volunteered for service beyond the United Kingdom during the South African War. The Militia units which were sent abroad, all of which volunteered, were as follows:—
amounting to a force of 51,488 in all.
- 68 Infantry battalions;
- 6 companies, Royal Garrison Artillery;
- 3 companies, Royal Engineers;
- 2 sections, Royal Engineers;
§ The Volunteers who went to South Africa were composed of—
- The City Imperial Volunteers;
- 1 battery of Artillery;
- 38 sections, Royal Engineers;
- 132 companies of Infantry and drafts;