HC Deb 15 June 1904 vol 136 cc130-1
MR. ROBSON (South Shields)

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what are the import duties levied on unmanufactured tobacco in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Dominion of Canada, respectively; and what, in each case, is the difference

County Tariff Classification Tariff rates of duty. English equivalents.
France Tobacco, unmanufactured, in leaves or stalks—
For the Regie Free Free
For private account Importation prohibited
Germany Tobacco, unmanufactured leaves and stalks Mks. Pfg. s. d.
100 kilogs. 85.00 Pound 0
Belgium Unmanufactured tobacco— Frs. Cts.
Stemmed 100 kilogs. 75.00 Pound 0
Other kinds, including stalks 100 kilogs. 55.00 Pound 0
In addition to excise duty of 100 kilogs. 15.00 Pound 0 0.65
Holland In leaves and rolls— Fls. Cts.
Unstemmed 100 kilogs. 0.70 Pound 0 0.06
stemmed 100 kilogs. 1.50 Pound 0 0.14
s. d.
Australian Unmanufactured tobacco, stemmed and unstemmed Pound 3 3 Pound 3 3
Common-wealth Ditto entered to be locally manufactured into tobacco, cigars or cigarettes—to be paid at the time of removal to the factory Pound 1 6 Pound 1 6
Dominion of Canada Unmanufactured tobacco Free Free
Unmanufactured tobecco imported is subject to the provisions of the Inland Revenue Act, and excise duty is charged thereon at the following rates when taken for use in licensed tobacco manufactories:—
Not for use in making cigarettes: Dolls.
Unstemmed leaf Pound 0.30 Pound 1 3
Stemmed lead Pound 0.42 Pound 1 9
For use in making cigarettes:
Unstemmed leaf Pound 0.47½ Pound 2 0
Stemmed leaf Pound 0.67 Pound 2
For use in a cigar factory:
Unstemmed leaf Pound 0.26 Pound 1 1
Stemmed leaf Pound 0.37 Pound 1