HC Deb 13 June 1904 vol 135 cc1493-4
MR. BOLAND (Kerry, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether, in view of the fact that Michael J. Sheehan was evicted from his farm of Ardshillane, on the Warden Estate, he can state why he has been refused reinstatement.


The Estates Commissioners have received no application in respect of the sale of this estate. An application for reinstatement has been received from the evicted tenant named and will be duly considered.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners have received an application from Mary Currane, of Gurtramough, on the Warden Estate, Sneem, for reinstatement on her farm, in view of the fact that Colonel Warden has given an undertaking that all evicted tenants will be reinstated, and whether, seeing that Mary Currane is now returning from America, steps will be taken to secure her reinstatement; and can he state whether the farm is occupied at present; if so, by whom, and what fine has been paid to the landlord.


An application for reinstatement has been received in this case, and will be considered in due course by the Estates Commissioners. The evicted holding is in the hands of the landlord and, at present, is in charge of a caretaker.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieu tenant of Ireland whether he is aware that Henry Aldworth of Gerah, on the Warden Estate, has been refused reinstatement in his farm, in spite of the fact that he is next-of-kin to Patrick Dorohy, Gerah, now in America, whose permission he has for occupying this farm, and can he state the reason for such refusal; and whether the farm is at present occupied by a caretaker who is proposed to be the future tenant.


No application for reinstatement has been received from this man by the Estates Commissioners.