HC Deb 21 July 1904 vol 138 c776
MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether any, and if so, what, progress has been made with the sale of the Gault Estate, Trillick, county Tyrone; whether he is aware that an absolute order for sale was made in 1894, and that the tenants have been prevented from having fair rents fixed on the agricultural land by repeated offers of sale; whether the tenants, at the request of the receiver, recently made offers of purchase; if these offers have been brought before the Land judge; and if, when the case was last before the Judge, the solicitor having carriage of the sale stated that the question of title had been settled.


The order for sale was made in 1894, but for the reasons stated by me on the 7th March†the Land Judge was satisfied that the solicitors having carriage of the proceedings were not in default. The solicitors have no knowledge of the fact alleged that the tenants of agricultural lands have been prevented from having fair rents fixed. The tenants have made offers for purchase, but these were not submitted to the Land Judge because no rental had been settled. The case will again appear in the Judge's list in November, when the solicitors will be required to explain what further progress has been made The title has been passed, subject to some simple queries upon which information is awaited.