HC Deb 21 July 1904 vol 138 cc780-1
Mr. SWIFT MACNEILL (Donegal, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the placing of Constable Anderson, who was one of the three constables who received an indemnity for procuring, by perjury, as the accomplices of Sergeant Sheridan, the conviction of innocent men for crimes perpetrated by the sergeant himself, in his present office of the charge of men on the fatigue staff of the Royal Irish Constabulary Depot, Phoenix Park, is creating discontent on the part of the men who are required to obey the orders of this man; and that, notwithstanding the pledge given by the Chief Secretary in the House of Commons that Anderson would not be allowed in the room with recruits, a recruit named Rooney, who joined a fortnight ago, is quartered with him; and whether, having regard to the record of this man, steps will be taken to keep him out of contact with the other men of the Royal Irish Constabulary.


This constable is not in charge of men on the fatigue staff at the depot, and he exercises no authority or disciplinary charge whatever. I gave no pledge such as alleged; I stated he would perform routine duties, such as guard, fatigues, and drill. Several men occupy the same room with him. The reply to the concluding query is in the negative.

MR. LUNDON (Limerick, E.)

Is this the man Anderson who was mixed up in the Sheridan ease and got £25 in lieu of imprisonment?

[No Answer was returned.]


Will the right hon. Gentleman take steps to keep this man from being in the same quarters as young members of the constabulary force, so that there shall be no fear of contamination?


Order, order! The hon. Member is simply repeating the Question on the Paper which asks if steps "will be taken to keep him out of contact," etc.


But he is with recruits newly joined, and I am, therefore, I think, justified in pressing the Question.




Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the propriety of removing this man elsewhere?


Order, order!