§ SIR SEYMOUR KINGTo ask the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been directed by the Government of India to complaints brought by petition to the Viceroy, in October, 1902, from the whole of the executive officers in the Royal Indian Marines of the block in promotion and other disabilities affecting their position, especially in promotion to the rank of third grade commander; is he aware of the rate of pay of full lieutenants of six years standing, and of the fact that there are lieutenants of seventeen years service in receipt of only Rs. 250 per mensem; is he aware of the rates of leave pay in England and expenses of uniform on promotion, and that a navigating officer has to share with the Commander the responsibility for the safe navigation of his ship, but receives no increased emoluments; and, if so, will he state whether any reply has been made to these representations; and, if not, whether the Indian Government will favourably consider some revision of these rates of pay.
1480 (Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick.) The memorials of the executive officers of the Royal Indian Marine have been under consideration for some time, and I have sanctioned certain measures which I hope will improve the conditions of service of those officers. These will be announced in India shortly.