HC Deb 12 August 1904 vol 140 c411
SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)

To ask the Secretary of State for War on what ground His Majesty's Government abandoned the intention, recently expressed, to present to the House a Supplementary Estimate in reference to Somaliland, and whether it is intended that any such Supplementary Estimate shall be presented at the beginning of next session for the present financial year; whether the plan adopted by the Government of organising the tribes of the interior for self-defence involves the supply to these tribes of arms and ammunition; if so, what means will be taken to prevent such arms from passing into the hands of followers of the Mullah; and whether he will make any further statement on the subject.

(Answered by Mr. Arnold-Forster.) As regards the first part of the Question, it is intended to present the Supplementary Estimate at the beginning of next session. As regards the rest of the Question, I am requested by my noble friend the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to state that it is contemplated, in connection with the organisation of the tribes, to issue a limited number of rifles. The levies so armed will be commanded by selected headsmen, responsible to the Government, and subject to the close supervision of the British officers stationed at Berbera.