§ SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what is the total 8 expenditure on the naval works at Dover up to the present date; whether it is still expected that they will be completed in three years; and what is the present estimate of the expenditure in the next financial year and the year after, as compared with that of £335,174 in the present financial year.
(Answered by Mr. Pretyman)—
The expenditure for the two years. 1905–1906 and 1906–1907 is estimated at about £800,000, or about £400,000 average for each year as compared with £335,174. The contract date of completion is 1907–1908, or three years from end of present financial year 1904–1905, by which date it is anticipated the works, will be practically completed.
Expenditure to 31st March, 1903 £1,470,826; Estimated expenditure to August, 1904 622,878 Total 2,093,704