MR. J. W. WILSON (Worcestershire, N.)To ask the Secretary of State for 1212 the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the methods adopted to break up public temperance meetings at Dudley on the 20th and 21st July; and whether he will ascertain if the police are taking any, and, if so, what, steps to prevent a repetition of such conduct.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Akers-Douglas.) I have been in communication in this matter with the chief constable of Worcester, who is the authority responsible for the action taken by the police. It appears, from his report, that the disturbances at the meetings referred to were caused partly by the provocative language of the speakers and partly by the action of two holders of public licences. and he informs me that the Mayor of Dudley has withdrawn his permission for further meetings to be held in the Vegetable Market; and that, if the further inquiries he is making show that it is necessary, he will report the conduct of the licence-holders who took part in causing the disturbance to the licensing justices.