§ Mr. HALSEY reported from the Committee of Selection. That they had added to the Standing Committee on Law and Courts of Justice, and Legal Procedure, the following fifteen Members in respect of the Weights and Measures Bill: Mr. Gerald Balfour, Mr. Bousfield, Sir John Brunner, Sir Joseph Dimsdale, Sir Walter Foster. Sir Michael Foster. Sir Fortescue Flannery. Mr. Kearley, Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Mr. McCrae, Sir Albert Rollit. Mr. Herbert Robertson, Mr. Spear, Mr. Stuart Samuel, and Mr. Toulmin.
§ Report to lie upon the Table.
§ Mr. HALSEY reported from the Committee of Selection, That they had nominated the following Member to serve on the Standing Committee for the consideration of all Bills relating to Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures, which may, by Order of the House, be committed to such Standing Committee: Mr. Hunter Craig.
§ Report to lie upon the Table.