HC Deb 11 March 1903 vol 119 c386

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has received a memorial signed by the clergy of all denominations and principal inhabitants of Kilcar and the fishermen of Cladnageragh, urging the extension of Cladnageragh Pier from a distance of fourteen feet to a distance of sixty-one feet beyond low-water mark, in order to expedite the unloading of the boats and delivery for large centres and of goods for Kilcar at a cheaper rate by steamer at Cladnageragh; and whether, having regard to his acknowledgment on the occasion of his recent visit to Kilcar of the need of pier extension at Cladnageragh, he will take any, and what, steps to provide for the carrying out of the work.


Yes, Sir; the memorial was received. The result of my inspection of this pier, and of my inquiries into the needs of the district, has led me to view with much favour the proposal that the pier should be extended. I am anxious to carry out the work under the provisions of the recent statute. The County Council, I understand, would prefer that a work of greater magnitude, entailing largely increased expenditure, should be undertaken at Malin Head. The question of cost is of course a main factor for consideration before a determination can be arrived at, and I am at present in correspondence with the Council on the entire subject.