§ SIR JOHN LENG;To ask the Postmaster General whether his attention has been called to the inconvenience to merchants in Scotland from the interruption of telegraphic communication during the recent gales; and whether, seeing that this not only affects the Home service but also telegraphic communication with India and America, he will state how far the undergound wires have now been extended in the north of England; and whether the communication will be completed with Edinburgh and Glasgow during the present year.
(Answered by Mr. Austen Chamberlain.) Yes, Sir. I have received brief reports on the extent and character of the breakdown of telegraphic communication in the storm of Friday last. I shall have the pleasure of receiving a deputation from the Chambers of Commerce on the subject of the underground cables tomorrow, and I shall then have an opportunity of explaining the position in greater detail than is possible within the limits of an answer to a Question in this House.