§ MR. O'SHAUGHNESSY (Limerick, W.)To ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that Argentine cattle landed at Liverpool on Tuesday or Wednesday, 24th or 25th ultimo; and will he state their number, and whether they were shipped before the restrictions preventing them from landing in this country were removed.
(Answered by Mr. Hanbury.) No Argentine cattle have as yet been landed at Liverpool since the withdrawal of the Order prohibiting importation from the Argentine. The fact that animals had been shipped before the revocation Order was passed would not, as I am advised, prevent their being landed here subsequently to the removal of the prohibition, provided that all the requirements of the Foreign Animals Orders were satisfied. One cargo comprising 133 cattle and 2 calves thus shipped was landed at Deptford on the 23rd ultimo, and it may be to this cargo that the Question of the hon. Member refers.