HC Deb 22 June 1903 vol 124 c75
MR. HAYDEN (Roscommon, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the Local Government Board of Ireland has refused the request of the Roscommon County Council to sanction the payment of their poundage fees to certain rate collectors who had exceeded the prescribed period for making lodgments, but who had completed their collections; and whether, in view of the further representations of the County Council as to the difficulty of collection, the congestion of the districts, and the poverty of many of the ratepayers, he will advise the Local Government Board to reconsider its decision.


The reply to the first part of the Question is in the affirmative. No satisfactory explanation has been given of the negligence of these collectors to complete their collections within the prescribed period. The Board is unable to allow these men to receive the same consideration as has been shown to the larger number of collectors who completed their work promptly and well.