HC Deb 11 June 1903 vol 123 cc638-9
MR. STEVENSON (Suffolk, Eye)

I wish to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs a question, of which I have given him private notice, whether he is able to communicate any information to the House with regard to the revolution which has broken out in Servia; whether it is the fact that both the dynasty and the Ministry of Servia have been changed by the method of assassination; and whether the safety of British subjects in Belgrade is assured.


We are officially informed that King Alexander and Queen Draga were assassinated last night. A new Government has been formed under M. Avakumovics, a former Prime Minister. The constitution of the Parliament of 1901, recently abolished by King Alexander, has been restored, and the National Assembly, dissolved in March last, has been summoned to meet at once. That is all the information I have to communicate officially to the House.


Has the noble Lord any information as to whether Ministers were also murdered?


I am aware that the statement is published in the Press, and I have no reason to doubt its truth.


Is there any information as to the safety of British subjects at Belgrade?


We have no information that there is any danger to them there.