HC Deb 24 July 1903 vol 126 c227
SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)

To ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he can state the average price of ordinary (not fancy) bread per 2 kilos., corresponding to the English quartern loaf, at Paris, Zouen, Lyons, Bordeaux, and Marseilles; how many acres are under wheat cultivation in France; and if the price of bread is still regulated from week to week by the Government or municipal councils.

(Answerd by Lord Cranborne.) The average price of ordinary bread per 2 kilos. is in Paris 80 centimes, in Rouen 72 centimes, in Lyons 74 centimes, in Bordeaux 75 centimes, in Marseilles 60 centimes. As regards the regulation of the price of bread the practice varies in different towns. An official price is fixed at Paris, but is not obligatory upon bakers. At Marseilles and Lyons the price is regulated by the municipality. At Rouen there is no regulation price, while at Bordeaux the municipality reserve the right to fix one. The acreage in France under wheat cultivation in 1902 is estimated at 6,814,936 hectares, or 16,832,890 acres.