HC Deb 27 April 1903 vol 121 c458
MR. AUSTIN TAYLOR (Liverpool, E. Toxteth)

had the following Question on the Paper: To ask the Secretary of State for War if he will state what is the position which the Army Guild of: the Holy Standard occupies in relation to the Army and the War Office; whether it participates in any way in. votes of public money or has the use of Government buildings; and whether the holding of any official position in this guild by the Chaplain General to the Forces has been recently the subject of Army Regulation. On being called, on to put it, the hon. Member said that as he understood the guild had withdrawn the proposed Requiem Mass at St Paul's which brought it into some notoriety, he would not put the noble Lord to the inconvenience of answering the question.


Oh, it's no inconvenience. It is as well that the House should know the facts. The Army Guild is a voluntary association of Church of England communicants in the Army. The reply to the other Questions raised is in the negative.