SIR ROBERT FITZGERALD (Cambridge)To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to a bylaw proposed by the Southampton Harbour Board under which all vessels propelled by steam, etc., will, irrespective I of size, be prevented from steaming at a speed exceeding six knots an hour above Hythe Pier; and to its effect on the passenger steamers from the Isle of Wight (which carry His Majesty's mails), and, if so, will he state what operation it will have on His Majesty's ships; whether there is any precedent for such a bylaw; and whether he will make representation to the Harbour Board with a view to the limit of speed being increased to twelve knots and the operation of the bylaw limited to vessels exceeding a certain tonnage.
(Answered by Mr. Gerald Balfour.) I have made some inquiries into this matter, and find that the Board of Trade have no jurisdiction. I shall, however, be happy to direct the attention of the Harbour Board to my hon. friend's Question. It is, of course, for the Admiralty authorities to deal with any matter affecting His Majesty's ships.