HC Deb 02 April 1903 vol 120 cc912-3

I beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether any drawback is given on imported foreign flour when re-exported in the same condition as it is imported; what drawback is given if the flour is landed and re-bagged; what is the approximate cost of landing and re-bagging as compared with the drawback; and whether there has been any decline in the transhipment trade in flour at ports of the United Kingdom since the imposition of the corn tax.


The answer to the first part of the Question is in the negative; as to the second part, drawback of 5d. per cwt. is given. The Board of Customs have no information as to the cost of landing and re-bagging; the cost, however, probably varies at different places according to local circumstances. There are no records of the quantities of foreign and colonial flour transhipped at ports in the United Kingdom before the imposition of the corn duties, and I am consequently unable to state whether there has since been any decline in the transhipment trade in that article. During the period from 14th April, 1902, till the 31st March the transhipments of flour under bond amounted to 112,571 cwts.