HC Deb 29 October 1902 vol 113 c1074
CAPTAIN NORTON (Newington, W.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether, seeing that, according to the Return just issued with reference to the hoursof railway servants, it appears that upon three of the principal railways in this country 89 per cent, of the goods guards and brakesmen, and 85 per cent, of the engine-drivers and firemen were working during the month of December last for more than twelve hours at a time, he will use his good offices with these companies in order to obtain a reduction of these hours.


The hon. and gallant Member's Question would seem to imply that the percentages which he refers represent the number of railway servants working continuously throughout the month for more than twelve hours at a time. What the percentages really indicate is the number of railway servants who on one or more occasions during the month worked for more than twelve hours at a time. The percentage of days exceeding twelve hours, which is also given in the Return, is a better guide to the condition of affairs than the percentage of servants employed. I have communicated with various railway companies with the object suggested in the Question, and I also propose to call for a similar Return of hours for next December.