HC Deb 22 October 1902 vol 113 cc468-9
MAJOR RASCH (Essex, Chelmsford)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether the Regulars, who with the Colonials were sent home from South Africa in the "Bavarian" for the Coronation, will, as well as the Colonials and Yeomanry, receive the Coronation medal.


The reply is in the negative. The Colonials were contingents duly accredited to this country to take part in the Coronation, which they subsequently did, and therefore received the medal. The Regulars and Yeomanry representative units, owing to the postponement, did not take part in the Coronation, and therefore did not receive the medal. It should be remembered that the Coronation medal is a personal gift from the King, and the War Office has no control over the distribution.


The men were duly selected, and it was not their fault that they were not present.

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