§ MR. JOSEPH A. PEASE (Essex, Saffron Walden)To ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been called to the case of a female slave in the Island of Pemba (named Msichoke), who, on the 9th of August, applied to the Commissioner's Court for her freedom under the Decree of 6th April, 1897, but was refused on the ground that she was claimed by her master (Abderahim bin Rashid) as his concubine under Article V. of the Decree; whether, under that article, a slave owner may retain possession of any one of his female slaves by simply claiming her as a concubine, although the woman expresses her wish to become free, and brings evidence to prove that she has been J employed in ordinary domestic and field work, and is not a member of her owner's harem; and whether a slave so refused has the right of appeal tinder Article VI. of the Decree.
(Answered by Lord Cranborne.) The Committee of the Society of Friends have drawn the attention of His Majesty's Government to the ease, and a report has been called for from His Majesty's Acting Agent and Consul General at Zanzibar.