HC Deb 27 November 1902 vol 115 cc614-5

To ask the Postmaster General whether he is aware that officials attached to the personal staff of the Controller Central Telegraph Office have been given important positions on the superintending staff of the commercial section; will he say whether these officers have previously performed the work of supervision among telegraph operators and are acquainted with the technical and practical part of their duties; and whether he will explain why men who have performed the work of supervision in the instrument gallery for a number of years have not been selected for these positions.

(Answered by. Mr. Austen Chamberlain.) The two officers who were recently promoted from the Controller's Office to be superintendents in the Central Telegraph Office had been assistant superintendent and assistant superintendent 2nd Class, respectively, in the general body before entering the Controller's Office, and were † See preceeding volume, page 859. well acquainted with the duties of supervision. These officers were chosen because, in my opinion, they were the best fitted for the duties of their new posts.