HC Deb 18 November 1902 vol 114 c1229

To ask the Secretary to the Board of Education whether he will explain what is meant by the words keep the school house in good repair, and make such alterations and improvements in the buildings as may be reasonably required, in Clause 8, sub-Section (d), of the Education Bill now before Parliament; does good repair include the making good of the ordinary wear and tear of the buildings; does this term cover the whole of the school premises, i.e., the playground, outbuildings, and offices; are the managers to be responsible for the enlargement of the buildings required by the growth of the school; and will he draw up and insert in the Schedule a model form of agreement to be made between the trustees of a non-provided school and the education authority, giving the exact terms of what may be required from them.

(Answered by Sir William Anson.) I must decline to answer questions which relate to the interpretation of details of a Bill which is still under discussion in the House of Commons. I do not propose to insert in the Schedule such a form of agreement as the hon. Member proposes.